At the age of 19, I was a victim of domestic violence and human trafficking, I felt like my life was worthless and I couldn’t break out of my dark state of mind. Nothing made sense anymore and I was just living day by day to survive because I was pregnant. I had no life expectations, and I was completely depressed. After 2 years of an abusive relationship, I finally woke-up and left my ex-fiancé when I gave birth to my daughter. My parents and I looked for different sources to help me, but nothing seemed to help. When I thought that I had lost everything including my sanity, I was referred to Dr. Cleyde Crofoot by Hope & Justice Foundation, and she was the person that saved my life. With a lot of therapy and meditation techniques that she taught me, I was able to get my life back. It was not easy, it took a lot of effort, and she was so patient and focused on healing all my traumas. She did such an amazing job.! I’m so thankful for her, she not only changed my life but my daughter’s life too. Now I am a totally different woman! With her help I’m able to raise my daughter and move forward with my life, I am so happy and so revived. I’m so very much thankful for Dr. Crofoot. PL

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